Thursday, April 28, 2011

April Needs Showers to Bring May Flowers

I spent this weekend in the library preparing for my history and sociology exams! I used a lot of my roomate's dining dollars to pay for all of my coffee and snacks in the Commons! So I really hope that it pays off!

Today was my dad's birthday! I was really sad I wasn't in Lubbock to hang out with him, but o well! I sent him a funny animated video birthday card. In ENDS 101, we talked about research and data, 2 things that I am unfortunately familiar with! Being a PSYC major, most of my classes are about research. It was nice to hear about research processes not in specifics to psychology because I didn't hear the redundant usage of sample size, outliers, behavior, etc. Sometimes it is nice to wipe the slate clean and go back to a basic research process that is applicable to more than just my field of study. I know I am not the only college student who feels like I need to take a step back and look at things from a more broad perspective! Also, this day I turned in my second part of the 12 Soft Innovations. My ideas were as follows: Monitoring Sleep Patters, Pay to Park System, Process of Selling Books Back, and Grocery Store Online Preordering. All of these process were things that I thought about that I would like to change.

All day, the only thing that  I could think about was how excited  I was for my sister to get into to town! It is her first time here in College Station, so I am extremely pumped. I made her go to my Leadership Development Meeting with me, and she hated it lol. I was so excited to share this part of my life with her though. She just graduated cosmetology school and starting her career. I am envious that she know exactly what she wants to do and is getting to do it. I am still tryin to figure everything out. I am so fickle that I don't know if I'll ever officially want to do one thing. Maybe her being here will help me find some clarity!

After a relaxing morning, of sleeping in, I went to ENDS 101 to listen to the group presentations. As soon as they were over, I hurried out to go meet my sister for lunch! We had La Bodega, my favorite taco place in town, and ended up sitting on the patio talking for about 3hours. It was the first time that my sister and I had truely ever talked about our futures and the things that I wanted to accomplish in life. She talked about how she figured out what she wanted to do and all of the adversities she faced in order to find out for sure if that was what she wanted to do. Although my sister and I have not always had the best relationship, I am starting to better understand her and I respect all of the things she has been through. It is comforting to know that she now supports me 100% no matter what I do. It is a new thing that I am experiencing.


This weekend, my sister, her best friend, and I went to Chilifest! I told her that she had to experience a true College Station Tradition, and this was the perfect oppurtunity. I was the DD all weekend, which ended up being one of the most entertaining experiences ever. Nothing could top the memory of my car driving through Snook, with all windows down, everyone singning to the Ke$ha CD at the top of our lungs! There is something about a crowd of 35,000 people singing country music on a field that's in the middle of nowhere that only Texans can pull off! It makes me proud to be from Texas, and even more proud to be from Texas A&M!

Today, I didn't go to class because the night before was my best friend's 21st birthday. I slept in then went to the library where I reviewed my old sociology exams and read a chapter for PSYC 345. After the library I went to work for the until about 10 pm then went home and slept some more!

Third time this semester where both of my classes got cancelled for the day! I laid by the pool for a few howers then got a manicure and pedicure with my roomate! what a treat!

4/14/11In ENDS 101 today, we saw the last group of presentations. It also got announced that my group was selected as the winner for our day of presentations! TrackIt seems like it could be a such a good business idea, so may I will pursue it =] This afternoon, I met with the MSC President Collin Laden to discuss an upcoming event that we are planning, the MSC Construction Milestone Party! We hashed out all the details of what is left to do with only 2 weeks remaining until the event. This idea started for me last September when I decided I wanted to do something to remind the student body that the MSC is not just a building, but a living memorial to this campus. My original idea was a 5K to benefit the MSC and the money raised would go toward funding something in the MSC. As I worked with Collin over the past few months, we turned it into something so much better! Students will actually be able to walk through the MSC in less than 2 weeks! This is a huge success for me and it is going to be an amazing opportunity for students!

RING DAY! Today my roomate got her Aggie Ring! I am so proud of her! I have had mine since September, and seeing how dull mine looks compared to hers made me feel really old! Ridiculous! I am younger than her! Everytime I look down and see that little gold ring on my finger, I am reminded of the amazing opportunity that I have been priveledged to have to go to school here. Knowledge is the one thing that can never be taken from you, and to have something that symbolizes that is a blessing!

I was a little bit bummed to get to ENDS 101 this day to see that we had a guest lecturer. Although I enjoyed the lecture, I felt that it was a lot of random facts and statistics that were thrown together in order to prove the point that creativity and innovation are the key ingredients for a successful future. I thnk another important one that is undermined a lot is adaptability. In his presentation, Dr. Hill talked about how change is never ending and that if you get fixated on adjusting to the way one thing is changing, by the time you are adjusted, it has changed again, so you have to be adaptable! My new 3 ingredients to success stew: creativity, innovation, and adaptability!

Group presentations starting in my SOCI 206 class, and a girl nearly fainted, she was so nervous! What is it about public speaking that makes people so nervous?! I get more nervous when it is me speaking to a few people who are interviewing me. I think a more closed environment with me versus a smaller group is much more intimate.

I left early Thursday morning to make my 7.5 hour journey home for Easter! I felt bad not going to class, but I thought it would be unsafe for me to start my drive at 2 when I got out of class. The drive was relaxing becuase I listened to Jack Johnson, John Mayer, and Brendan James my whole drive home. When I got to Lubbock, I submitted the 3rd part of my 12 Soft Innovations of the Business Models: Park and Play, Work-Stay Eligible?, Rent-to-Read, and Laundry to Go! All of these are businesses that I would definitely invest in! It was my first time to see my parent's new house, and I had to sleep on a futon. I didn't even care becuase to me, as long as I am with my family, it doesn't matter what I am sleeping on. Throughout the weekend, I got to see my aunt, uncle, cousins, and grandparents and got to spend a lot of time relaxing. It was a great Easter!

Today, in ENDS 101, we discussed technology. My favortie thing that he talked about was how people where applying convergent thinking to come up with many different technologies, then finding uses for them. It would be such an interesting job to work for a technology company and come up with the craziest things. Another huge availabilty for improvement is how to build those bridges across the Valley of Death and the Darwinian Sea. If I could find a way to do that, I would have an entirely new form of human capital! In PSYC 345, I was so bored that I actually fell asleep. WHO DOES THAT!? I should find it interesting because it is my major! RIDICULOUS.

After giving a group presentation in SOCI 206 on the Globalization of Ireland, I got the call about my dog getting out. When I finally found her, she was in a forest chasing a wild boar. As I tried to get my dog to leave it alone and come with me, I nearly got attacked by the boar! Daisy ended up catching it, and I had to call animal control. WHO ELSE WOULD THAT HAPPEN TO ?!!?!?! My dog is such a hunter!
Today was the last day of lecture. In class, we review the objectives in the syllabus and addressed how we have accomplished each one. This class has pushed my creative borders and allowed me to find an innovative side that I never knew I had. The Creative Journal has tought me that sometimes it is nice to have a record of your thoughts and the ideas because you can always go back to them. People can change the world little by little if they just start with a problem and identify how they want to make it better! I plan to continue my blogging!

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